Peace and quiet. We hear that phrase on occasion, but few of us really know what peace and quiet truly feels like. Quiet, yes. Peaceful, not so much. One of my students today wrote a rather eloquent description of peace and quiet… a much appreciated sentiment after a hectic day.
“When I am in church
I am like a quiet butterfly
fluttering, listening, praying.
When I am worn out I rest
my wings
and think.”
This simple, sweet description of a little girl’s quiet place made me think… how often do I take time to retreat and meditate? Am I ever like a quiet butterfly? Alive and fluttering, yet silently listening to the echoes of the world around me? In our high-stakes tested, intensely rigorous, deeply engaged world of education, I think sometimes it is easy as an educator to lose sight of the silence, the necessary peace and quiet where we must sometimes rest.
I have a plaque hanging just inside the front door of my apartment declaring, “today I will stop and smell the daisies”. How often am I too rushed to even notice the artwork that reminds me to take time to live life? Between the challenges of school and the burdens of daily life, the stress often threatens to overwhelm me. As I read my student’s delightful little poem today, I thought to myself “Today, I need to take time ‘to rest my wings and think’”. And as I spend my evening hours grading papers, updating data, giving descriptive feedback to students, and updating my blog, I will remember that sometimes I need to just be like a butterfly- quiet and still and completely at peace with the world around me.
And I will begin with a cup of coffee.