Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Oh, the stories!

Teachers, much like parents, have the opportunity to view life from the perspective of both a grown-up and a child.  The attribute that often sets teachers apart from parents, however, is that we often look through the lenses of many children with much different backgrounds than ourselves.  This is not only a child-like view, but often an entirely different worldview.  Each weekend, as I gather with friends- often fellow teachers- to decompress and debrief after a challenging week, one of our traditions is of course to swap stories of our school experiences.  More than once, a friend has said to me, "You should really write a book!"  To be honest, I'm not sure my stories would really grip anyone enough to read an entire book, but I'm certain that some of those stories might make you laugh...or cry...or both, because sometimes you don't know which is really appropriate. 

So, in trying my hand at a "personal" blog, I'd like to share with you some stories.  The names will be changed, of course, to protect the...well, you know where I'm going with that!...but the characters and their circumstances will be very real.  The stories will be random, from years of journaling with my students, or memories that have cemented in my mind even though they happened years ago, and hopefully each story will serve as a lesson or reflection on life from a different perspective, through the eyes of a child.

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