Tuesday, October 25, 2011

It all comes full-circle...

I confess, when it comes to notes and letters, I am a pack-rat.  I am sentimental and sappy and keep things to look back on when life's circumstances change.  It helps keeps me grounded and gives me perspective.  So God granted me a little treasure today when I was digging around in my spare bedroom in a box labeled "children's ministry" stuff.  For some reason, I had slipped a few sheets of paper in the back of the crate, and when I pulled out the sheets I saw the title "New G Tour Send-Off 2008".  It was as if I was instantly taken 3 years back in time, to that time in between being a New G Singer and a New G Sponsor.  I remember sharing with this group of kids I barely knew, as they prepared for a trip I was not going on, and that bittersweet experience was one of the coolest memories I have as I look back now... particularly because God has allowed me the privilege of now being back in the family as a sponsor.  I don't know that anyone else is as nostalgic as me, but I thought it might be fun to share those thoughts from several years ago, for my old New G friends who might remember that day with me.  So here are my words, from the "me" of 3 years ago, as I wished my New G family god-speed as they left for their 2008 tour...

"Good morning!  (After doing a few opening dialogues over the years, I feel like I should be saying, "Good morning, and welcome to the New Generation Singers 2008 Sermon in Song..." but of course, that's not what I'm here for!)  I am privileged to share with you some encouragement and excitement about this journey you are getting ready to embark on- and maybe an insight or two from past experience.

First of all, I am so excited for you all to visit Western Canada, particularly those spectacular mountain sights.  Banff and Lake Louise were part of the last tour I went on as a singer with New G, and out of all the places I got to see on 9 years of tours, the Canadian Rockies are the one place that I absolutely want to return to in my lifetime.  Actually, since I'm already here, can't I just hop on the bus and come with you?  Seriously, take lots of pictures, and take time to meditate on God's amazing creation.  It's very possible you may feel closer to God's presence when you go up those mountains, so I encourage you to savor that experience, and maybe even make some memories that you can 'pull out' and look back fondly on, a few years down the road.

During nearly a decade of experiences in New G's, God taught me quite a few lessons, many of them learned on tours.  As I began preparing to share with you guys today, I started to make a list of some of those life lessons.  I soon realized that I learned far more in those 9 years than I could ever write down on paper, for my heart is full of memories and lessons learned.  I tried to choose just a handful of things that helped me on tour, and have stayed with me throughout my life, so here are a few 'nuggets' I'd like to pass on to you.  #1- Be Flexible!  Serving God often has it's challenges, and on tour that becomes very apparent.  Setting up in 5 minutes flat, or sleeping on the floor in a church, or having to make 3 trips to your host home because your host family drives a ridiculously small car- these things are not nearly as frustrating if you are in a 'flexible' mindset, knowing that you are serving God's kingdom.  Tour (and Life) Lesson #2- God uses everyone, especially our weaknesses.  Every person on tour is there for a purpose set out by God, and He will use you.  Don't be afraid of your weaknesses- God makes us strong.  Lesson #3- You never know when you will get an opportunity to show Jesus to someone through your actions.  On tour, that might be in a church or host home, or while you're out sightseeing, or even on the longest bus ride.  Remember- you never know who's watching you...show them Jesus!  Lesson #4- We are stronger together than we are individually.  The Bible says in Romans that we are all one body.  It functions much better when we all do our part for the glory of God, remembering that we all have the same ultimate purpose- sharing the love of Christ.  And Tour/Life Lesson #5- the journey never ends.  Tour is two weeks, but the ministry of New G and of all Christians is ongoing.  I hope that you all find that this is really the beginning of a journey with Christ that doesn't end when your time with New G's does.

Byron wanted me to share with you the value of New G, particularly in my life over the years.  That's a tall order, because New G was a huge part of my life, and is still so important and special to me.  My life has in many ways been shaped by my involvement with New G's.  The years spent serving on various committees and in various offices taught me many things- churchmanship, leadership, democracy in action, and how to be a part of the family of Christ.  I made lifelong friendships, and memories that will forever be a part of the tapestry of my life.  New G had a big part in who I am today.  Even as I begin grad school, studying education administration, I look at how God used New G to begin to slowly grow and train me as a leader.  Most importantly, in New G I learned how to share the love of God with people, through music, through community activities, through volunteer opportunities God may present us with.  And serving God in New G meant serving Him as part of a precious family.

So...what do I want to leave you with today, as you begin your journey?  Well, your sermon in song is 'More than Words', right?  It's about living like God wants you to live, doing what He wants you to do.  At my church's Vacation Bible School this week, I taught the kiddos a song that made me think of your sermon in song.  The lyrics say 'Let my actions match my passion for what my God has done'.  Are you passionate about God's word and the message of love that you share in New G's?  Well, here's your opportunity to live it out and take action in a big way.  It is about more than words, it's living the life God calls each of us to live.  New G tour will be an awesome opportunity to share your passion for Christ.

So, when you get on that bus and head for adventure (leaving us behind), I'll be praying that you make lots of precious memories, but most of all, I'll be praising God, knowing that you will be making a difference for His kingdom.  God bless you guys, and I can't wait to hear how God works this year!"

Sweet memories...some life lessons I still keep in my pocket...and it all comes full-circle as I continue being given opportunities to serve side-by-side with my New G family.  God bless!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Leadership = Service


According to Tom Rath's StrengthsFinder 2.0, you need to focus on your strengths rather than your weaknesses as you learn how to be a successful leader.  If you have ever wanted to know what your strengths are, I would recommend that you get this book and take the online quiz.  It's really fascinating to read the "strengths insight guide" that is personalized to your top five strengths.  While I wasn't shocked by any of my top five, I was surprised by some of the positive implications of some of my strengths.  I took some time to create a "professional creed" of sorts, based on these strengths...
"I will embrace my strategic nature, continue to engage in organizations and activities that keep me connected to people, hold tight to the belief system that grounds me, continue to love people through empathy, and find strategies for interacting with individuals, as wonderful and unique and valuable and different as they all are."
       As I look toward a possible future as a professional leader, I also consider the impact this creed or philosophy has in my day-to-day interactions with people, even outside the realm of education.  I think maybe my core beliefs come out in my leadership style, because my faith is such an integral part of my life.  Valuing individuals and loving them with compassion and empathy are just "what you do" when you follow Christ, because that's the model He gave us to follow.  
       I never thought I'd have any spiritual insights when reading this secular book about leadership, but as I read more about leaders and study what godly men and women have to say about leading people, I'm beginning to realize that biblical principles of godliness are the best example of strong leadership.  Leading by relationship, not simply a position of authority.  Leading by connecting with people, not by commanding blind obedience.  Leading by serving, not by demanding service.  
        Matthew 20:26-28 tells us Jesus' philosophy of leadership- "But whoever would be great among you must be your servant, and whoever would be first among you must be your slave, even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many."
        Leadership is service.  The best books on leadership say so.  But even more importantly, God's Word tells us so.  I look forward to continuing to learn more about how to lead God's way!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Do not be anxious...

Philippians 4:6-7 "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

I posted this verse as my facebook status, and within the day I had 17 "likes".  I guess we can all use the reminder to not be anxious.  It makes me wonder why we get so hung up on worry?  Is it a trust issue?  Or control?  Obviously, this verse was speaking to me or I wouldn't have posted it, but it seems like it rapidly drew attention among my friends... could it be that we are collectively crying out for peace?  Not "world peace", but something more like "inner" peace.  The kind of peace that only comes from knowing Jesus as your best friend.

I recently started writing a blog that really turned into a prayer, just a conversation between me and God, not necessarily to share with the world (or the 5 people who regularly read my blog).  But somewhere in my prayer/journaling I found myself saying to God, "The steering wheel is way too far out of my reach right now.  I don't like this.  I don't like it at all."  Control issues, anyone?  I think it comes down to trusting that God is bigger than life.  He's in control...and I absolutely am not.  And I resist that truth.  I honestly don't like admitting that I can't fix things, or make things the way I think they should be, or make everyone happy and healthy and perfect.  This whole imperfection thing is incredibly humbling.

But I am thankful.  Because in the midst of days when my mind swims...drifting, sometimes crashing, from one point to another... God reminds me of exactly who He is.  He is worthy of my trust.  He is faithful.  He loves me more than I can understand... and He loves my loved ones even more than I do.  One of my favorite Bible verses is on a crumpled sticky note on my bathroom mirror- Isaiah 26:3-4  “You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you. 
Trust in the LORD forever, for the LORD, the LORD, is the Rock eternal.”  I love this daily reminder to keep trusting, because sometimes it is hard, but He is worthy, and His peace is worth it.

My pastor shared in church this past Sunday about God's goodness.  I'd like to leave you with some thoughts I collected after listening to his message and talking to some sweet friends about how good God is...

Glass half empty? Pessimist.  Glass half full? Optimist.  Cup runneth over??? Blessed.

God is good.
Even when it feels like your cup is getting awfully empty…

John 4:13 Jesus said to her, "Everyone who drinks of this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life."

I may not always feel filled… but God’s love and life are waiting for the taking, even when I can’t find the words to ask.  Isn't it sweet to know that He will give us His peace, which surpasses all understanding, and that peace will overflow within us?  

God is good.  Always.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

A Lesson Learned in the Hundred-Acre Wood

“Piglet sidled up to Pooh from behind. "Pooh?" he whispered.
"Yes, Piglet?"
"Nothing," said Piglet, taking Pooh's hand. "I just wanted to be sure of you.”
~A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh
Caffeine-induced insomnia, a busy mind, and a full heart have brought me to this place.  The writer inside of me can't sleep until I find words to reflect on this very long day.  Today I watched a best friend say goodbye to her baby for the last time, as she exhibited more strength than I can ever imagine having (or want to have the occasion to need). Later,  I shared chips and salsa with an old friend who always infuses me with encouragement, even on the worst of days, weeks, or months, and I was blessed to be able to rest in the bubble of respite God always grants us during our time together.  I was reminded by another soulmate of the blessing of faithful friends...the peace that comes in knowing that "I can be sure of you".  All of these special people, and the special places God has carved for them in my heart, reminded me today that true friendship, while hard and messy and challenging at times, is a beautiful gift from God, modeled after His own love for us.  Proverbs 18:24 reminds us that "there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother".  The kind of friend God calls us to be is one who loves and encourages and offers strength even in tragedy, frustration, and adversity- maybe especially in those times.

I feel like I need to tie my thoughts up in a neat and tidy bow, but the reality is that this life is neither neat nor tidy.  And today, life as I know it was extraordinarily messy.  I am thankful for my God, who I can always be sure of, even when I am sure of nothing else.  And I pray that my precious friends, whom God has privileged me to know, can always be sure of me in the same way.